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 Winter Storm Assistance

Call Us to Discover How We Can Help You Recover

DO NOT face the insurance company alone. They have their adjuster, you NEED one too. The vast majority of these adjusters are independent adjusters (contracted by your insurance company) who have only general loss recording skills and training with basic knowledge of damages related to a freeze-related claim! Do not fall victim to their lack of experience and desire to rush through the claim process and close the claim. Hire your own public adjuster that represents only you and your interests!


Evidence your insurance company's adjuster is inexperienced:

  1. They need to review everything with management because they have no settlement authority;

  2. They seem unprepared and flustered or unfamiliar with your claim;

  3. They reschedule multiple times because appointments are going longer than they expected;

  4. They hesitate when you have general questions and provide no definite answers;

  5. They offer a settlement that seems really low or, deny coverage altogether.

Be careful in answering their questions, and DO NOT speculate. Some insurance companies' adjusters will ask you questions hoping you will slip up and give information they can use to deny your claim.



We are from Texas and our corporate office is located south of Houston, Texas in the Clear Lake area.  We experienced the anger, stress, anxiety, hunger, and bone-chilling cold like you did. We want to help you! Call us at 1-800-677-1260 if your insurance company is delaying, denying or hassling you. We will manage your claim and seek the maximum amount you are entitled to under your policy.


Let us review your claim for FREE! We will work for you to obtain a larger fair and equitable settlement from your insurance company under your policy provisions.

Why You Need a Public Adjuster

Insurance companies use their own insurance adjusters to settle catastrophe claims such as Winter Storm Uri for the lowest settlement pay-outs possible in an effort to minimize their losses. These insurance adjusters work exclusively for, and represent the interests of, the insurance company. Not you!


Public Adjusters work for you, the policy holder. Typically, catastrophe claims represented by a public adjuster results in payments that were 747% higher" than the insurance company's original offer." (OPPAGA)

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Contact Us at Any Time in the Claim Process

We gladly enter the claims process at any time. Your insurance company's procedure is to often settle the claim for the lowest amount possible. We know how miserable Winter Storm Uri was. Unfortunately, the insurance company can make filing a claim more miserable.


Call us at 1-800-677-1260 for your winter storm damage claim to make sure you get everything you deserve.

Start Rebuilding Your Life Sooner

Business Owners! Call us to help you with your Winter Storm Uri claim. We will review your policy at no cost to you so call us today to learn how a public adjuster can help you receive more money faster on your insurance claim.

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