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Louisiana Law Prevents Policyholders from Paying a Deductible Twice for Hurricanes Laura & Delta

Writer: P. MirandaP. Miranda

Updated: Oct 14, 2020

The similar paths of hurricanes Laura and Delta have triggered a law that prevents Louisiana policyholders from paying a hurricane deductible twice during the same storm season.

"We're really glad to have this protection in place," Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon stated. People who met their deductible as a result of Laura don't have to pay it again if their home sustained damage from Delta -- or any future 2020 named storm. For people who didn't exhaust their deductible during Laura, the remainder will apply to Delta, only if the unused amount is larger than the standard all-perils deductible.

Donelon further explained that the Louisiana state legislature changed the law in 2009 to enact the single deductible per season rule after hurricanes Gustav and Ike threatened the Houma area a year earlier. Ike veered to the left as it approached the Louisiana coast and ended up making landfall in Galveston, Texas.

Louisiana legislators copied a Florida law that was enacted after three hurricanes hit the Orlando area in 2004.

It isn't known yet how many people sustained damage from Laura and Delta. Delta made landfall October 9th in Cameron Parish, about 12 miles away from where Laura hit the state a little over a month earlier.


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